Cassette and CDN

If you use cassette to bundle your CSS + JS you will notice it's cassette.axd path is always relative to your website. e.g /cassette.axd/script/6bc12af9524f7419f608f3d382a642a606007365/js"

You may however want cassette to output something like this:"

This is not straightforward but I've found a workaround as follows:

public class CustomCassetteServices 
    public void Configure(TinyIoCContainer container)
        container.Register<IUrlGenerator>((TinyIoCContainer c, NamedParameterOverloads n) => new UrlGenerator(new EnsureAbsolutePathPrepender(), c.Resolve<CassetteSettings>().SourceDirectory, ""));

public class EnsureAbsolutePathPrepender : IUrlModifier
    public string Modify(string url)
        return url.TrimStart(new char[]
}    `

Dave Leigh

Web, and long time Sitecore developer based in Bristol, UK, working at Valtech - - @valtech.
I occasionally do other things too.